Started off with the JC gathering which is almost complete with the absence of the Penang boys. Ate at IKEA in which I wasn't really happy about, and visited Eton Hall (It's my first time after leaving it on the last day of JC). Now they have 8 beds altogether in a room... It's something like the ikea design, bed on top, study table at the bottom, more privacy in an way, but doesn't encourage much interaction. Now Eton hall does not have the diversity back then, it's all PRC students now. But the building, the kitchen still staying strong... (I really can't believe that I actually beared with the food for 2 years last time!!!)

At Eton Hall, can you see Aunty Lily?.... We don't seem to grow up much huh...

Met Wui Ling on Saturday, a day before she flew off for Harvard. She is really very articulated and eloquent! No wonder she's a lawyer, who worked for the Interpol and taught in a French University even before she's 27! Wui has been really friendly and always find things to talk about. She laughed so much that I couldn't help but to laugh along as well. Wui's very different from Hann as she's quite a "gan cheung" type, much vocal than the brother and definitely friendlier than Hann. (Hann, you're friendly too ok, but Wui's more friendly...Hehe...). I asked her what will she be teaching when she comes to NUS next time, she said international criminal law. Yes indeed, from the world I can decipher it as, laws involving some international crime, but seriously nothing much comes out of it. So I decided to ask her the stupid question," Em...So what's international criminal law?"... She has been nice and didn't laugh at me. Apparently international law involve issues like terrorism, mass genocide such as that of mass killing by warlords in Africa and so on... I was totally impressed. Looking at her having such a petite stature, no...petite figure (stature just gives me a feeling that someone is tall), it's really amazing what she's good at. Well, hope that I'll see u in Harvard next year. Haha...
Last but not least, the recent reunion for YL's birthday at Brotzeit, I finally had my reunion with the mango beer. Oh, lovely! I drank until I was like a lobster, very bad indeed. What YL said it's true, our gatherings are always enjoyable and fantastic. Looking forward to Nini's birthday at Kbox!!! It's my first time celebrating a bday along with karaoke...
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