Finally, we had our housewarming party on the 23rd of August, about 3 months after moving to our Clementi Home.
So welcoming right?... Haha... Sharon, Yeelian, TingHui and Mafia came...Too bad we din take photo...
Celebrated Sharon's birthday last Saturday at Jack's Place.. Look at the silly girl!!! Hahaha!!!

Took some photos over at Esplanade. KY said I've been mistreating my camera by keeping it indoor. So now...Here I go...Camera show ur power then!...

Headline News: Sunday August 26th 2007
Mr. Cheah leaving the court house. His girlfriend can be seen next to him. (muahhaha!!)
Took this photo at Vivo city, me snapping it candidly without adjusting the angle properly. It turned out to be some tabloid photo...
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