

You'll start with the pouting... Then when I give in, you'll say it's ok. it doesn't really matter... Then you'll ask..,"You sure it's ok? I only want if you want it as well...."
Hann has been observing my pouting patterns, in the ways I get the things that I want. He is indeed rather right. When I'm unhappy and when I don't get what I expect, I'll pout. Sometimes for a couple of minutes, sometimes up to half an hour. But I should say, it's tiring to pout. It's definitely unnatural. But I should say, pouting helps me to calm down, and yes I really do mean it when I gradually give in to him. Though... pouting definitely doesn't make him feel very comfortable. Thus, he usually gives in first before the pouting ends.
That is why... I'm totally spoilt by Hann. (But don't worry k? I won't take this for granted...Haha...)
Hann will be home for these 2 weeks. He has to be home to accompany his mom for checkups as well, and good that his elder sis is back from France, and the whole family is back in Penang. As for me, it's a week to catch up with some friends, and to do my studies before the start of NUH.The weekend has been packed. Went jogging alone on Fri night and the endorphines has been really therapuetic.
Saturday has been a meaningful one. We did brown bagging at National Cancer Centre. The first patient who came in was a man of about 70 years old. He has lung cancer, and the chemotherapy has affected his throat so badly that he couldn't really speak. All he does is to write down on a piece of paper what he wanted to tell us in Mandarine. And I should say that his Chinese words look really good. His son was with him, and there were times when I can see slight tears on his eyes. And it really touches my heart... Somehow I feel that my job as a pharmacist is not only to help people with their medicine, but also to bring some comfort and assurance to the patients and their family. I'm so glad that I went for this event.
After brownbagging, me and the girls went for dessert at Chinatown. After that we decided to crash Hwa's JC frens gathering at City Hall. So basically we walked all the way from SGH to City hall MRT, with a pitstop at Chinatown for dessert. Hahaha!!!
Hwa's friends have been amusing. We went to Magic Wok for dinner and has dessert at Gelare City Link. It has definitely been a while since the last time I had such an outing. It was definitely fun!
We came back and had a Jazz night (More of a blasting music and dance erratically) in conjunction with Thunder's birthday. We definitely went crazy, and the girls seemed to be rather amused when me and hwa performed the Nsync song.. Hahaha.... Happy Birthday Thunder! 23 years old...big girl..(lady to be more exact..) already.

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