
Plainly routine

Life has been plain and routine for this week. Haven't been having proper dinner since Monday. Had mantou, sausages for Mon/Wed, instant noodles and sausages for Tues, and Breadtalk for Friday, and an exception made on Thursday with Filet-O-Fish (is that considered proper?). I wonder whether an overdose of those Denmark made sausages going go bring about side effects?.....
Had my first OT on thursday night when the company is trying to switch their date into a new system. It was rather exciting though stressful at the same time as dateline has to be met and once any information is posted it cannot be amended. So you need speed and accuracy. I made a couple of mistakes which was discovered on Friday morning. My boss said...well, a few mistakes in a few hundred.. You're forgiven... Hahha...
I guess I've been living a comfortable life since the end of exams that the acute stress from the OT actually caused a mild insomnia and indigestion. Coupled with the fact that one of the wall shelf actually fell in the middle of the night.. I was a little fainty on Friday morning. Yes the wall shelf fell! 3 of them, and almost killed my housemate's chincilla... The creature had quite a trauma as it was in a mood for food the very next day. I actually woke up when it happened and I thought it was some huge vase that was broken at the unit above us... Who knows it's our house! Nothing was broken though except for Hwa's cup cover...
Hospital attachment will be starting in about a week's time. My plan to study during the hols hasn't been good, and it'll truly be a failure if I don't buck up this coming week. Hope that the experience will be fruitful and merciful one... I'm looking forward to it definitely.

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