
Haven't been blogging lately as the wireless at my house is not working well, and we've been tapping into neighbours' line. Apparently it's illegal and we can get jailed according to my housemates. The funny thing is that many of my housemates are having internet withdrawal syndrome... Haha! Finally, the wireless is settled today and everyone is happily going online LEGALLY.
As for work, it has been torturous for the past week. Boss has been away in Malaysia, and I've been begging for "assignments" from my colleugues. Most of the time I've been stoning and reading my BNF secretively as I just can't stare in blankness for hours!!! Seriously, hours... and every minute every second is a torture.
Well thank God that Boss is back today and yes a lot of work..which is superb! I was trying to space everything out so that at least I can survive the 8 hour day without miserable stoning sessions.
Hie to TingHui!!! Life has been good. I'm settling down in my new house, and growing to love it day by day. Having your own living room, your own kitchen and space, it's just totally marvellous, something that we've been missing much for the past 5-6 years away from home. I've been cooking for the house every Friday evening, and every meal just reminds us of home. Apparently my cooking skills are still decent. Haha..
And what's the most happening thing --> Great Singapore Sales!!! I've never been so excited about GSS before, I guess it's because I'm earning bucks and can spend it without guilt. Thus I'll be going shopping tmr after work. Thus you should just come down and join in the fun!

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