
peri-pre-reg emotions

Yesterday was the first time I ever contemplated quitting the profession. I guess it has been a lousy day. As what thunder said, it is always multi-factorial.
Work is vastly different from school. And if I tend to compare it with school, he/she is bound for depression.
For now, I just hope to adjust mentally to this new phase of life, to embrace it, rather than to run away from it. Bad days are a norm, just hope that the next day will be a better day.

Today is a much better day definitely. Not a very eventful day, but it's definitely a better day.
Nonetheless, it was relatively more emotional one, as it's my last day at R1, which supposed to be one of the best place in NUH.
Now as I'm continuing my journey, just hope that other places will be better.


Anonymous said...

hang in there! :)

sanmin said...

i want to meet you soon :'(

hang in there! jia you!

Anonymous said...
