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After mourning for half a day over the housing issue and sat down to plan my budget around my meagre pay, the good news finally came the next evening.
Got a message from Hui Ting right before the gathering YEAR4FUN, and I got totally high! Jumping around the girls' room and the mood was instantly uplifted! Amazing to see how money can do to me... scary at the same time.
Went and view a unit at Dover which is strategically located right opposite NUH. It's located at a 7th floor which is my favourite number, but the place was awful! Hideous!... It's like worse than the previous Tiong Bahru unit we saw one year ago! Straight away I called Champ and asked him to "patah balik" no need to come and waste his time. Hann and I synornymously give that negative look. The Indians who went there were so desperate and said "oh, we would like to take the place. When can we sign the contract..."... Oh as if we're going to fight with him! Chey! We don't even want it and can't wait to get out of the place! Yucks!

And now just trusting in God that He will provide, just like how He has kindly made the housing allowance available for us.
Final semester of postgraduate exams. Felt weird and don't really feel like studying! Once in a while, I'll steal a moment and daydream about the 7th of May, when I'll truly turn into a bird, when I can fly up north to Bangkok and have Thai massage and see the Grand Palace where King Chulalongkorn stayed. And after that, I'll fly my furthest journey to the Big Apple and to see my prince at Disneyland!!! Wahahahhahaa....*drooling*

*Snap back!.... study.... all the best everyone!

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