

I thought this weekend finally will be a "proper weekend". The word proper refers to something which is complete, wholesome, supposed to be... I thought it will be PROPER on friday night. But at the end of Sunday, I'm asking myself, What happens to Sabbath day? Isn't it supposed to be the day of rest? I'm just asking for a day, not a weekend... But yet...

This is one of the rare weekends that I've stayed at home the most hours. Besides going for lunch at Cozy corner on Sat, Sunday church and Sunday MacD dinner, I've been at home, working on projects most of the time. I have to admit I did spend some time watching David Archuleta on Youtube, but that was minimal.

This is really the pathetic life of a final year student.
One wonderful thing did happen this weekend. Tamara Winslow came to our church. She was amazing. She's not only a brilliant preacher, she is also a teacher, composer and she is a gifted singer. When she sings, her songs really moved our heart...
It was truly wonderful.
Will hunt down her music recording!

1 comment:

bargerbarger said...

*shocked and surprised.
Jia Jin here! I accidentally ran into your blog and realized that this gladys is really the gladys i know! Nice to see that you're doing pretty and graduating soon... I'm...I'm still stuck here in Germany...................

anyway, real nice to (sort-of) see you again!