
FOP 2007

Festival of Praise (FOP) is back in town. This is my second time attending FOP, the first was back in 2004, in which we actually went there late and left early. Don't remember much what happened apart from great worship.
This time without hesitation, we arrived more than an hour earlier, but the main entrance was already closed. We headed to the overhead bridge entrance and the queue was just insane! We only made it in after queuing for about half an hour (which is considered quite lucky I should say). Even luckier for us... We got great seats...facing the stage, not too far, not too near. Though if we're nearer, we might be caught on camera.
The experience was just ultimate! Don Moen and Delirious was there. Don Moen's songs are just totally nostalgic, his voice is very indeed. I really can't believe that I actually can see his live performance, never dream of that before. But I should say...
Delirious rocked the stage that night! Martin the lead singer and band leader... He's rather cute right...His voice is powerful!

The main singer, Martin Smith has such a disgustingly fantastic voice (paradoxical indeed)...seriously I just can't believe he's real.... He's kinda small size, and his mouth is small too, but his voice...amazingly loud and unique... I can't help but yes...I was back in the jumping mode. Jumping was done back in youth cell last time, and it has been a long time since I last jumped. Amazingly Hann jumped too!!! Hahaha... and definitely we had a great time worshiping that night. Oh yah, the sermon was goooood with Rev Phil Pringle... Illustrating the bible in such a practical way that it's hard to forget what he spoke about that night.
No doubt... the presence of the Lord swept through the whole indoor stadium!!! It was just pouring...and overwhelming... really can't described in words how it was like...
Yes FOP 2008... I'll be there...

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