
Weiyee Jia you!

Our beloved friend Wei Yee graduated last Wed 4/7/07. So happy for her. I rushed from NUH to UCC during lunch, and only managed to have a few bites of waffle bought by Hann.
It's actually my first time attending the graduation ceremony of a close friend. Have been missing a few back home due to school and all. (hopefully I can really make it for the MMU peeps graduation this August). We bought her a graduation bear...
WeiYee with Hann and me. The cert Hann holding is not her graduation cert, it's the birth cert of the bear and the bear is called Wei Yee. Hahah!!!
Wei yee will be starting work as a teacher soon, hope for the best for her, and that she'll bring joy and blessings to all her students as how she has blessed all her friends over here with her insanity and laughter.

Picture courtesy of Sharon Nini Ong.

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