
Romantic GI disorder

It has been a boring Monday. I was actually looking forward to lab, but it turned out to be rather plain. The only hands on that we got to was to wash amber bottles, and cap amber bottles. The most interesting thing is the green suit that we put on, along with the green shower cap. Apart from that, it's another SOP day. I guess at NUH, it's really a SOP to read the SOP on the first day. We even read the 20pages on Total Parenteral Nutrition on DiPiro. Really hope that tomorrow will be a more interesting one.

Meet Hann after work today... Oh, it's the first day in NUH that we were let off at 530pm sharp. Haha, we actually clocked a total of 11 hours last Friday. Hann was having some stomach ache, and he just seemed to be so adorable when he's sick. We went to subway for a light meal, and he was better after that.
If I have the choice, I'll see you every day...
My heart just melted. Maybe he's just better with words and extra romantic when he's sick. Hehe...

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