
ICU and Iguana

The week at ICU was happening. We went to our first official ward rounds with consultants, med students, nurses and pharmacist. Initially it was confusing, coz we don't understand much of what's going on, after a while we get used to it a little. But the saddest thing happened when the consultant decided to ask us some questions about antibiotics when the med students were unsure about their findings. He asked us..." So, pharmacists, what's good for Pseudomonas?...Flucloxacine?"... I'm like..."What?..Pseudomonas...emm.."I HAVE NO IDEA?!!!... My goodness... Was rather disappointed with myself. We're given the chance to prove our expertise, and I just happened to let it go...just because I've forgotten and my memory has failed me horribly!!!!....
Well, apart from this miserable story, everything was just wonderful! ICU patients are very different from the general wards, their conditions are more severe, and this makes them more vulnerable to any changes or hazards that affect their bodies... The pharmacist Xiang Fei is just an inspiration. Apparently he's like a walking antibiotic encyclopedia... On the last day, we even went into the operating theatre!

As for the OP, it was a bypass procedure done on an Ang mo! which happens to have a big body, a big heart, but thin legs... He was stripped naked, seriously I was awfully shocked, but no doubt, I suppressed everything, and gave a professional look at an angle away from the patient. You see, we're standing at the end of the bed......
The surgeon happened to be the head of the cardiac dept and he's definitely very friendly and "hospitable". He made us stand next to him, which is next to the patient's head... not blocking him, as he's standing at the side of the patient. So we got to see everything, it just depends whether we want to see everything, that's another case. The most stunning part was when he sawed the patient's sternum in 1 seconds time, I was utterly shocked... But it passed so fast that I didn't know how to react to it. Half way through, they actually stopped the heart to reduce energy consumption, and use a machine to recycle blood back to the patient.
The whole procedure took 4 hours, and at the end, we actually got a little immune to the whole bloody and naked thing...
Sat night - we celebrated Weiyee's birthday at Iguana Clark Quay. Now I know why Lokesh loves that place so much. Mexican food resembles Indian food indeed. Bread, beans, spices... And even the rice tasted a bit Indian to me...We just love drinking no matter how many times we day beer is bad for the liver... House pour... from Brewerkz... Definitely a bit drunk there... The place is definitely partish and cool, though the music was just a bit too loud for me...
Hann was there too... Look at his Beer Battered fish...wrapped with Prata.! Hahha...
And thanks swei for her lovely Blackforest Cheese cake! We're 23... And I'm officially 23 now too!!!

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