
More to come....More!

We see, we do, we learn much faster... Better than through lectures, tutorials, and examinations. These 4 days at NUH really made me feel good, and gained back some sort of self-esteem and confidence, as I realised that I learn things faster, revision is made easier, and drug names, indications, side effects and counseling points just goes into the brain much faster...about 5 times faster at least.I don't really feel the tiredness that I should be feeling, like how the previous batch of girls felt during their first week. I still remember the times that they came back, half dead lying on the sofa, frequent somnolence cases of Hwa, a fair share for KY definitely. As for batch 2, May, me and Wanxia are just normal... I don't actually feel the tiredness, though I will never like waking up early. Well, at least we don't have to take the 15minutes walk to MRT and go all the way to TT every morning. I guess that has taken a toll on the girls previously.

LayMui had a discussion with us after work today, and we got a bit carried away and only ended at 715. By then, Hann has already burst my inbox, from "I'll be waiting near the library" to "are you done?" to "rawr" to...finally a huge "R.A.W.R"!!! Totally scary! Hann, I owe you an hour ok? I owe you an hour... Shall see how it shall be repaid... Please be merciful...
There has been so many things to be learnt, so many things to be studied and read up on, I really can feel that I don't have enough time. This weekend will be starting on the revision of some retail drugs, since we'll be going to Retail 2 next week. At the same time, I guess Sklar's stuffs have to be revised, since we wouldn't want to be owned by the doctors and pharmacists during in patient ward rounds. I really don't know where I can find the time to do so many things except by studying the whole weekend, and no play. But that will never be the case...! I don't care, I'm going for Transformers!!!

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