
At work

I'm blogging from office. Work has been mundane and brainless. My boss has been good though. I think I've been working too fast thus clearning the workload too fast. I think I should slow it down to facilitate time killing.
Though Pantech is very near my house, the morning buses are erratic, packed like sardines. I didn't even get to go up to both buses yesterday morning that I have to take a cab and I was charged 5plus though I traveled barely 1km... Haiz, I really need to think of an alternative. Walking is feasible but with such weather these days, my biggest fear is that I end up sweating like a pig when I reach there...
Went to watch spidey3 at Jurong Point yesterday. I think the show is rather decent. Some parts were even hilarious. Maybe if more editing has been down, the show would be excellent.
I need to sleep more. Have been sleeping less than 7 hours for the past 3 days. No wonder I'm falling asleep with the numbers in front of me. The girls would all be back this thursday and I'll be left alone, luckily Hann would be coming to accompany me... Hopefully I'll get a good rest this weekend. Well, it's only Wednesday for now.

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