
summary of my thoughts

Looking back. life has been solemn and miserable for the past year. i shall skip the complaint as I know no one likes to hear that. Shall focus on the good things that came out of it.
a. I have grown. socially and mentally. in handling all sorts of people. in handling a bad situation. I still do get tacky cases now and then. but i'm definitely better now.
b. I've known a group of wonderful people. we had became best of friends. mostly through complaining and bitching about others. well naturally. but one thing to emphasize. the thing i cherish most is the support; the understanding and the sincerity. hope we will be fantastic colleagues together now.

Now.... I'm starting new as a pharmacist. this is a late blog. officially i am a pharmacist since the 23rd of march. but i was not excited nor happy then. i just felt weird that now i'm in the team. and i have no one to fall back on. phone calls it's all alone. checking is up to u. and oh well, nothing much really change. just that now you're expected to act like a professional. overnight.
and never can i say the sentence." I am just a pre-reg"

now i'm
happy... my pay had a real boost. and with this i can see the world. i can have more freedom. indeed money can't get everything. cliche. but now i have time to invite friends for tea. it's wonderful. friends for thai dinner. lovely. and 404 coming back to the west. reunited. for a drink.

just a sad thing to blog about today. Hann started HOship and by third day he is tired like mad and snoring away the minute he laid down. my heart aches for that. got scolding as well. reminds me a bit of pre-reg but i got a feeling his is much worse. now i know. don't anyhow call doctors. esp HOs. their life is tough. and shitty.
hope he will grow stronger from this and draw strength from the Holy Spirit. may God grant him wisdom.

1 comment:

sanmin said...

But you never invite me for tea, never ask me for thai dinner, never, never, never :'(