

I can't run away from my roots. My skin shows that I'm a Chinese, and I grew up in a Chinese school, learning everything from math, history, geography and moral...everything in Chinese from 7-12y.o. Though I've lost 80% of all the Chinese knowledge that I've learnt, but the culture has been deeply rooted within me. And this dictates how one view life, how one view societal norms.
I may sound "ang mo pai" to some people, and it's fascinating to see when they got so surprised when I blurted out a sentence in Chinese. And they'll say: "Oh...you know how to speak Chinese?!", they didn't know that I've been speaking in Chinese since 7, and this continues up till now, at least with my high school friends. I listen to both Chinese and English songs, and my bf who pretended to be a "Banana" one day started reading a Chinese advertisement to me. Apparently he had a few years of Chinese education too! Haha...

Well, after mumbling everything without a point, the bottomline of this post is that I'm not only a Chinese outwardly, but I'm still very Chinese deep within me, my values, my view of life, and how I expect other people to act/react as well (if they're Chinese). And it can get rather frustrating or bothersome when it turn out otherwise. Well, I guess I just need to adapt and accommodate right?

*p/s: for friends who are from non-Chinese school, no worries, this post is not directly to anyone of you... Singapore especially not counted, coz your education system blurred the line.

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