
To the left...

An update(hush hush...): My cells are growing. I'm not talking about the PC12, in which we suspect there might be bacterial contamination (ew!), but the bEnd.3 cells which are my precious endothelial cells. They have been growing strong, and yesterday I subcultured them into a bigger flask and all I hope is that they'll survive this migration. If they do survive, I can truly let out a sigh of relieve! So I can truly foresee that the following weeks I'll be spending a lot of time in lab... until I'll hate lab like how myeling does. But I'd rather keep it that way, than to be in my previous state....
It has been a busy week with horrendous dispensing session on Wednesday and the infectious disease CA yesterday. The dispensing session was truly madness. Well, we're given 3 hours to settle 3 sets of prescriptions in which we have to document every step we do, counseling steps, printing of labels as well as legal matters. And I thought definitely we have enough time...And I was wrong...Seriously I don't know how the 3 hours was spent, it was chaos throughout, and definitely chronic hyperventilation and palpitation. Well, there's another one coming up 2 weeks later! Hope all of us will do much better then.
As for the CA, it was easy. One question definitely worth the mention especially one which is set by Dr. Grant Sklar. The question is ... What does it mean by "shift to the left" ? (Well, it actually refers to a lab results which indicates a high load of unmatured neutrophils --> the person has infection.), and one of the option he actually wrote..."a hit song by Beyounce Knowles"!!!(apparently the song is call Irreplaceable) And Alex Chan didn't actually believe that this comes from Dr. Sklar, but indeed it was him...coz he mentioned that in class! and OMG! We were singing this song throughout last night! Thanks, Dr.Sklar! Hahaha...
I was thinking of starting a new topic here in birdieruns. Since this is my final year and graduation is round the corner, maybe I should blog about this -- My life in NUS, to commemorate my graduation...

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