We walked around, and went to Orchard as well. Too bad late night shopping does not apply to Saturday! Such a waste!
On Sun, went CHC with Hann and his beloved Tze. Worship was awesome and sermon was actually on tithing, though I find more answers for other things rather than giving money to God. The story of Abraham, Issac and Jacob touched my heart. Even in short verses in the Bible, God enlightens us in the ways of life. First comes God, second comes family, third comes work. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you, Hallelu...allelujah..." This song came into my mind... But it's so true, priorities... Priorities in life. A thing that we always, let's say I always mess up! And so awesome, He spoke to me about my concerns with my work in a sermon about offering. Oh, and finally I know when the one tenth concept comes about... It's from Genesis 28:21! The first book in the Bible, Jacob has already been giving God a tenth of his earnings. And the funniest thing, other modern followers include Colgate (it's the name of the person who owns Colgate toothpaste), Colonel Harland Sanders (familiar? It's the KFC man!) and Rockerfeller.
Weekend has been good, and midsem break is here. Can't wait for my presentations to be over and pseudo-holiday will be turned into a real one!
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