
A week's stuffs

It has been a while since I last blogged. Haven't been going online too often these days. I've always been wanting to write down some of my feelings after certain happenings in my life, and I'll always think what is to be written in my blog right after the event, maybe in the bus on the way back from town, or on my walk back from my run at the Stadium. However, usually it does not come into reality. And eventually it'll be too stale to be blogged.
I'll just roughly highlight certain events that have happened for the past week... those that I remember.
Stefanie wrote an email over announcing about her boyfriend called Caleb... She sounded totally excited and happy, esp the part when she talks about his broad shoulders and all. So glad that her work, relationship as well as her walk with the Lord have been going great, and even invited me to go over to Brisbane for a tour. Well.. I've been to Aus 2 times for the last 3 years, seriously, no more aussie stuffs for me as of now. But really hope to see her soon when she's back next year.
Went back to hall to visit the girls last Friday. Met Weiyee and Tinghui. Both looks good, and weiyee will be starting her work as a teacher with MOE this coming week. As for tinghui, she'll be starting on special sem in school. It is definitely a joy, sitting in the typical sheares hall rooms, and chat with my old friends. I can't help it but to feel a strange nostalgic feeling, it's of something good definitely. I guess our bond has definitely formed back in Sheares Hall, partly thanks to Mama and Flower Power. Really hope that this bond will persist for the rest of our lives.... I love you girls.
Back in the house, we went to Kbox yesterday, and had a 3+ 1hour of Karaoke. It was rather fun! We only paid 13 bucks per person, and the lunch was rather decent and the hours are just nice. Actually they added another hour for us, as there was a delay in serving the lunch.
3 of the girls will be leaving by this week. Ky will be going back to KL, and thunder and hwa will be leaving for HK. So envious of them, though I don't really adore HK, but yet it's afterall a foreign land and there's always exciting stuffs to do overseas... At least wonderful good over at HK!!! Thus the house will only be left with me, May and Wanxia, who will be starting on our 6-week hospital attachment starting this coming Monday. Haiz... Lazy, yet a little excited definitely, hope that the experience will definitely be a fruitful one.
Hann came back on Thursday night and he came right after he settled all his luggage. We went out for supper and catch up on each other. The next day, he accompanied me for my eye brow trimming at Fancyl. Just happened that Aunty Goh is at ORchard as well, so we decided to accompany her for the afternoon. We talked a little, though I find myself too quiet and serious in front of her. Really hope that I didn't turn out to be a faker or a borer. Hann bought a pair of jeans (it's his first by the way), and along with his adidas shoes, he looked so nice and different.
Oh,. it's time for church, gotta run!

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