Seriously, what serene said was true. I was so busy previously, now with all the free time, I feel lost...awfully lost!
So, what have I done from 10am till 10pm? 12hours to kill...Such irony! Too little time previously, now too much time!
- Read top90 drugs...Progressing...Please don't rush me...
-Found a fabullous blog of Stephanie Klein-Greek tragedy!...Really enjoyable blog to read, some stories are simply hilarious and down-to-earth, finally something to cheer up my day! It's just wonderful, She's great!
- Lazed around on the bed..listened to radio, and danced a bit... The usual eccentric self.
- I was so bored of top90, i didn't know why, i started reading about the Holocaust again! This is another weird thing about me, I just have this inclination towards the Holocaust. I love Holocaust movies, think they're just crude and real. The Pianist, Schilder's List, Life is Beautiful... These are shows in my favourite movie list. From my readings today, it seems that the Holocaust started long before all the gas chambers and ghettos, and it seems that the US and Britain were fairly awared of the possible fate of the Jews. But sadly, they didn't seem to have done anything. It's just saddening... And I'm really curious on how Hilter managed to "brain-washed" all the non-Jew to hate the Jews to an extent that people would stand there and watch the mass extermination. Der Ewige Jude... The infamous movie filled with anti-Jew propaganda. Rather curious about this show which depicts Jews as filthy, ugly, wicked, done by the Nazis to influence the Germans.
Ok shall stop talking about this Holocaust thing.
Shall stop feeling bored...
and appreciate all these free time I have before all the crazy roller coaster ride starts kicking in again!
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