
La Belle Epoque

Finally, La Belle Epoque has revealed itself, and truly the night has been made beautiful by the passionate people behind the scene, as well as in front definitely. This night also signifies my retirement from CMB...
Concert started off chaotically, up at the sound room, as well as on stage. Went on better after that. Popcorn and masks added colors to the night. And definitely the beautiful costumes rented by the drama team. I was totally confused at the beginning, everything rolled...so fast...no time to breathe, no time to reflect. All i can do was just to pray that everything will fall into its place, preferably on its own... Most did!...
After the concert has ended. Ate an ice cream, some siew mais and nuggets. Then we started to pack up. Never carried so many chairs in my whole life before! But well, it's the last event after all, what is moving chairs lar, thus everyone worked willingly! Evaluation was done in the dance studio, everyone was exhausted, but definitely, bright light can be seen in fatigue faces-Comm is closing soon, and the concert was great!
"I like the concept, good job.", "They feel that the concept is good..."It seems that many positive feedback is about this CONCEPT thing... Din know this plays such a vital part for LBE. Just my simple modest idea to the concert can actually transform the night into a beautiful one, definitely credits has to be given to Ernest & co.

Only after i bath, when i was sitting on the floor, in a partially litted room blowing my damped hair, suddenly i began to see my table... my floor, and to appreciate the serenity of the night, and definitely my liberation! Suddenly this thing about Gladys transforming from CMB chair --> Student!!!!.......... starts to sink in.
For the 1st time, 8am LSM doesn't seem to be a chore. Though i only catch a 5 hours sleep, but no complains for early class at all. Guess it's due to the liberation!
This sudden freedom confused me... I need to readjust back to my old mugger life... Can't really feel it yet... But definitely I have to get that back... Exams in 30days time!

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