I've changed my blogname, after contemplated for some time. Somehow something is prompting me to change the name, as it brings about a negative connotation. I found "mutedpraises" from one of my favourite book " The life of Pi". I chose it because I found this paradox rather special, and how I started to adore the way Yann Martel writes the whole book, and how the book actually accompanied me during the boring 3months holiday after my first year in Uni.
Well, I guess now it's time to say farewell to Mutedpraises. There's a season for everything, and I guess as for mutedpraises, its term is done. I thought for a long time to come up with a substitute, gladyspraises, heavenly praises...Cliche...! Thus, I've decided on something fundamental, something very plain and basic that represents the real gladys. Gladys likes to run, birdie runs then! So here comes the launching of the new blogname birdieruns.blogspot.com...
*Hi JC! Hope you're coping well with exams downunder!!!
Thanks Chen May for being such a lovely friend, accompanying me to Forever 21, having so much patience when I was trying the clothes... And most touching is that, doesn't mind going all the way to Wisma with me!!! Muaks Timon, you're the cucumber!!!
Really enjoyed our dining at Crystal Jade... It was so relaxing, we pharmers need a rest definitely. And it's definitely nice sharing and talking with you. It's ok about all those stupid bad dreams... It's just a dream after all. Haha......
This has been a lovely day, with lovely 2 hours lecture, and such a relaxing shopping trip with Timon. I guess the joy obtained from CG last night overflowed to the next day... Hope that this joy will always stay with me. =)
Really enjoyed our dining at Crystal Jade... It was so relaxing, we pharmers need a rest definitely. And it's definitely nice sharing and talking with you. It's ok about all those stupid bad dreams... It's just a dream after all. Haha......
This has been a lovely day, with lovely 2 hours lecture, and such a relaxing shopping trip with Timon. I guess the joy obtained from CG last night overflowed to the next day... Hope that this joy will always stay with me. =)
Work has been never ending but God has been good, blessing me with his Word and definitely with all my fabullous and funny friends in school.
We had our last final Patho CA on Monday, and I should say the paper was easy. It was somehow a little ridiculous i should say, asking us which metabolizing enzyme, when that enzyme appears in class more than 100times per week. And the question asking about the D category of ADR, when the answer is right at the front page. I just feel that somehow that Richie guy is just belittling us. Not to say that I love difficult CA papers or what, but somehow the effort sitting in the library trying to cramp everything in and missing Kurup's lesson... I think I've been quite silly.
Our Sildenafil Presentation has finally come. It's good that we actually toyed with the projector in the tutorial room, and this actually served as a pseudo presentation for us! We definitely had great fun today, and we really did well. Didn't we girls?!!? Yes we did...We're the best... GML loves us! I guess all the effort is worth while, and it has been really enjoyable and fruitful working with all of you all! And I had lots and lots of fun too! Finally boss...Psst...psstt... Time for treat! U know... people call it "qing gong yan", when the boss treats his workers after a successful deal, for our case, for conquering GML!!! (Don't be so stingy eh, where's the marketing team?)
I was thinking of going to watch Prestige tonight, but somehow Bible study ended late. I guess it's alright, coz i've gained so much from Lionel. God's word never fails to amaze and touch me. The point about humility, submission and joy is really something to ponder upon. How precious these attitudes are in governing of our lives as well as for the Church. And I've slowly realise that by honouring God, He truly honours you back, and the joy of the Lord is made complete. I would really want to see the goodness of serving Him, and I shall have more faith in moving to higher grounds.
Alright, as for now, shall pay a visit to GML... It's always about her these days huh... One day she might bump into my blog, and felt so honoured to be so high profile! Hahaha...
We had our last final Patho CA on Monday, and I should say the paper was easy. It was somehow a little ridiculous i should say, asking us which metabolizing enzyme, when that enzyme appears in class more than 100times per week. And the question asking about the D category of ADR, when the answer is right at the front page. I just feel that somehow that Richie guy is just belittling us. Not to say that I love difficult CA papers or what, but somehow the effort sitting in the library trying to cramp everything in and missing Kurup's lesson... I think I've been quite silly.
Our Sildenafil Presentation has finally come. It's good that we actually toyed with the projector in the tutorial room, and this actually served as a pseudo presentation for us! We definitely had great fun today, and we really did well. Didn't we girls?!!? Yes we did...We're the best... GML loves us! I guess all the effort is worth while, and it has been really enjoyable and fruitful working with all of you all! And I had lots and lots of fun too! Finally boss...Psst...psstt... Time for treat! U know... people call it "qing gong yan", when the boss treats his workers after a successful deal, for our case, for conquering GML!!! (Don't be so stingy eh, where's the marketing team?)
I was thinking of going to watch Prestige tonight, but somehow Bible study ended late. I guess it's alright, coz i've gained so much from Lionel. God's word never fails to amaze and touch me. The point about humility, submission and joy is really something to ponder upon. How precious these attitudes are in governing of our lives as well as for the Church. And I've slowly realise that by honouring God, He truly honours you back, and the joy of the Lord is made complete. I would really want to see the goodness of serving Him, and I shall have more faith in moving to higher grounds.
Alright, as for now, shall pay a visit to GML... It's always about her these days huh... One day she might bump into my blog, and felt so honoured to be so high profile! Hahaha...
The week has flew past once again. What's new right? Somehow this semester is zooming past
like nobody's business but yet I'm feeling fine and even happy sometimes. At times, I do feel that it's a little meaningless, coz we're so busy with schoolwork, CAs, presentations, lab reports and all, we tend to neglete other things in life, like friends, appreciation of nature, peace and leisure... But definitely, frenship between the pharmers have been strengthened... Haha...
I thought i'm getting numb with the numerous CAs... But somehow I realise that I'm forever in this viscious cycle(the word viscious really sound evil to me), busy studying/memorising - nervous attack the night before- face the test- extremely happy and relieved for the night - study for next test... But I must really thank Kathy for sharing this verse with me... The memory of the righteous is blessed. It really assures me of God's awesome promises and power. For pharmaco, though the night before there was CG and choir, I wasn't anxious at all, and this is so unlike me. And definitely one thing i realised, I wasn't thinking about the CA at all during CG!!! It's really awesome. The Word really work wonders in life! Definitely I have to admit that I was rather tensioned for Med Chem, but eventually after praying I definitely felt better...=)
Anyway to the Pharmers... Khim I didn't forget about Nasi Lemak, just that I don't have chance to get it for you...Too busy!!! Will get it soon ok? And to Boss... U'll forever be my boss k? Once a boss always a boss. It's a privilege k? So... boss, Thunder and friends, how are we going to celebrate our "liberation" on Wednesday? Momo or Vivo...Vivo VivoVivoCity!!! Drinking no good lar, bad for liver....fatty live remember? Then with my ultra active alcohol dehydrogenase, and poor acetaldehyde dehydrogenase... U should know how fast I get red and all...Momo is afterall not a very good idea...Kekeke... Plus, I have this small little lymph node swelling right beside my neck, a bit scared, better avoid any hazadous activities. For thunder and boss, if you all cannot tahan, maybe should go get some Disulfiram(I almost mistaken it for Diflunisal!!! What this anyway?!!!tsk tsk tsk...)
Alright that's all from me. Happy speading time with neoplasm this weekend. Oh people I've found the fake Gohmeilin already!!! *faint* One of my hall frens la... sorry Cynthia for falsely accusing you being the "cheeky fella" hahahaha....
like nobody's business but yet I'm feeling fine and even happy sometimes. At times, I do feel that it's a little meaningless, coz we're so busy with schoolwork, CAs, presentations, lab reports and all, we tend to neglete other things in life, like friends, appreciation of nature, peace and leisure... But definitely, frenship between the pharmers have been strengthened... Haha...
I thought i'm getting numb with the numerous CAs... But somehow I realise that I'm forever in this viscious cycle(the word viscious really sound evil to me), busy studying/memorising - nervous attack the night before- face the test- extremely happy and relieved for the night - study for next test... But I must really thank Kathy for sharing this verse with me... The memory of the righteous is blessed. It really assures me of God's awesome promises and power. For pharmaco, though the night before there was CG and choir, I wasn't anxious at all, and this is so unlike me. And definitely one thing i realised, I wasn't thinking about the CA at all during CG!!! It's really awesome. The Word really work wonders in life! Definitely I have to admit that I was rather tensioned for Med Chem, but eventually after praying I definitely felt better...=)
Anyway to the Pharmers... Khim I didn't forget about Nasi Lemak, just that I don't have chance to get it for you...Too busy!!! Will get it soon ok? And to Boss... U'll forever be my boss k? Once a boss always a boss. It's a privilege k? So... boss, Thunder and friends, how are we going to celebrate our "liberation" on Wednesday? Momo or Vivo...Vivo VivoVivoCity!!! Drinking no good lar, bad for liver....fatty live remember? Then with my ultra active alcohol dehydrogenase, and poor acetaldehyde dehydrogenase... U should know how fast I get red and all...Momo is afterall not a very good idea...Kekeke... Plus, I have this small little lymph node swelling right beside my neck, a bit scared, better avoid any hazadous activities. For thunder and boss, if you all cannot tahan, maybe should go get some Disulfiram(I almost mistaken it for Diflunisal!!! What this anyway?!!!tsk tsk tsk...)
Alright that's all from me. Happy speading time with neoplasm this weekend. Oh people I've found the fake Gohmeilin already!!! *faint* One of my hall frens la... sorry Cynthia for falsely accusing you being the "cheeky fella" hahahaha....
This coming week will be the ultimate as what thunder said, she found out that NUS has taught her this... "the sky shall be the limit"--> Limitless!!! There'll be 4 CAs in 7days, for her will be 5CAs for 7days!!! Hari raya.... The public holiday that i've been looking forward to, shall not be a holiday anymore!!! And lucky for those who even can squeeze the time to go back home... Well, for the pharmers, we shall tend the fills, feed the flocks and hopefully at the end of the day gather the harvest...
To cheer pharmers and my frens: Sanmin, who seemed to be as stress as the pharmers; Yeeliain who is also stressed out with hall and school, Tinghui downunder... Enjoy this piece down here written from a friend from my hall cg:
In Singapore, the majority of us live in Highly Dangerous
Buildings(HDB), And most people have already got used to Paying and Paying (PAP). Not only do you have to pay, you Pay Until Bankrupt (PUB).
If that's not enough, somebody still Purposely Wants to Dig (PWD) and get more from you. So what more can you do when you are in the
Money Only Environment (MOE)? With the current Mad Accounting System(MAS), you are forced to Pay the Sum Ahead (PSA), which will leave some people Permanently Owing Some Banks (POSB). And forced to
live on the Loan Techniques Always (LTA) system. When you fall sick and happen to be admitted to a Money Operating Hospital (MOH), you
might be able to use your Cash Prior to Funeral (CPF) fund. If you are
out of luck, you may meet doctors who Never Use Heart (NUH) to treat you, and you will be Sure to Give up Hope (SGH). To help ease the traffic, motorists have to pay Cash On Expressway (COE). If that doesn't help, they can always Eternally Raise Prices (ERP) on the roads. If you don't own a car, you can always make a Mad Rush to
the Train (MRT), or get squashed in a bus Side By Side (SBS). Lastly, under all these pressures, there are not many places we can relax, not even the good old place we used to go because it has become So Expensive and Nothing To See Actually (SENTOSA)!!!
*Hold on everyone.... Everything will be over soon...
To cheer pharmers and my frens: Sanmin, who seemed to be as stress as the pharmers; Yeeliain who is also stressed out with hall and school, Tinghui downunder... Enjoy this piece down here written from a friend from my hall cg:
In Singapore, the majority of us live in Highly Dangerous
Buildings(HDB), And most people have already got used to Paying and Paying (PAP). Not only do you have to pay, you Pay Until Bankrupt (PUB).
If that's not enough, somebody still Purposely Wants to Dig (PWD) and get more from you. So what more can you do when you are in the
Money Only Environment (MOE)? With the current Mad Accounting System(MAS), you are forced to Pay the Sum Ahead (PSA), which will leave some people Permanently Owing Some Banks (POSB). And forced to
live on the Loan Techniques Always (LTA) system. When you fall sick and happen to be admitted to a Money Operating Hospital (MOH), you
might be able to use your Cash Prior to Funeral (CPF) fund. If you are
out of luck, you may meet doctors who Never Use Heart (NUH) to treat you, and you will be Sure to Give up Hope (SGH). To help ease the traffic, motorists have to pay Cash On Expressway (COE). If that doesn't help, they can always Eternally Raise Prices (ERP) on the roads. If you don't own a car, you can always make a Mad Rush to
the Train (MRT), or get squashed in a bus Side By Side (SBS). Lastly, under all these pressures, there are not many places we can relax, not even the good old place we used to go because it has become So Expensive and Nothing To See Actually (SENTOSA)!!!
*Hold on everyone.... Everything will be over soon...
Full out
What an exciting day! I can't wake up this morning till about 1015am as I watched Korean drama at winnie's place till about 330am!!!.... Was rather anxious as I didn't manage to prepare much for my discussion this afternoon... Packed my stuffs and really to meet Sanmin for lunch at Subway. Had cold cut trio, with fattening but delicious oatmeal biscuits, and managed to chat up a bit with Sanmin, nothing much, but it's just a good one. Rushed for time, and didn't send off Jar's parcel even when I was like a meter away from the Post office! Hopefully I can send it tmr..and will reach Jar on time...
Goh Meilin's lecture was the craziest thing for the day. She talked like some machine, nonstop and so freaking fast that u can't afford to have the slightest moment of daydreaming. Once u do that, goodbye to one slide and 10 precious sentences of explaination! It's just hilarious to see everyone to attentive and not moving anything besides their pens... And right after that, had our synthesis pathway research outside Med Lib. We really did look rather scholarly flipping through those thick organic chemistry texts!!! Esp when finding the correct answers and all... We felt smart. Thanks to Morrison & boyd, and what's the other one... Em, some other thick book...
Came back, went for a run, took a bath, packed dinner, and all set for the full project meeting which ended at 10plus. Somehow, though this Sildenafil project is rather tedious and I was expecting some problems having 10 ppl in a group, but amazingly, I think it's one of the most fruitful and fun group that I've ever had. Thunder and HC pestered me to go watched Departed... And I gave in seeing their enthusiasm. Guess I didn't regret. I just love vivocity being so near to our campus and it's not a problem for midnight shows anymore!!! Haha...
Thus u can see, the day has been nonstop and definitely very fulfilling... It's time to go to bed now, and hopefully tmr will be as fruitful as today, with Katzung!
Goh Meilin's lecture was the craziest thing for the day. She talked like some machine, nonstop and so freaking fast that u can't afford to have the slightest moment of daydreaming. Once u do that, goodbye to one slide and 10 precious sentences of explaination! It's just hilarious to see everyone to attentive and not moving anything besides their pens... And right after that, had our synthesis pathway research outside Med Lib. We really did look rather scholarly flipping through those thick organic chemistry texts!!! Esp when finding the correct answers and all... We felt smart. Thanks to Morrison & boyd, and what's the other one... Em, some other thick book...
Came back, went for a run, took a bath, packed dinner, and all set for the full project meeting which ended at 10plus. Somehow, though this Sildenafil project is rather tedious and I was expecting some problems having 10 ppl in a group, but amazingly, I think it's one of the most fruitful and fun group that I've ever had. Thunder and HC pestered me to go watched Departed... And I gave in seeing their enthusiasm. Guess I didn't regret. I just love vivocity being so near to our campus and it's not a problem for midnight shows anymore!!! Haha...
Thus u can see, the day has been nonstop and definitely very fulfilling... It's time to go to bed now, and hopefully tmr will be as fruitful as today, with Katzung!
With Vivo, our lives are complete
I've changed my blogskin, and the settings, don't know why my friends ended up at the left hand corner, and the comment function is gone, and i just do not have the time to figure it out what is the problem. And definitely thanks to tinghui, I've finally gotten a tag board, partly to replace the lost comment corner. So yah frens, can just tag anytime anything...
It has been busy although this is a week free of CA... However, there's still SGT and presentation which is tomorrow. And next week there'll be 3 CAs in 5 days... Yippie!!! Clap Clap!!!!
Updates on the haze, it was awful since Friday night, though me and yeelian still went to Orchard... Haha..And people still go on with their lives. The nightmare continues till Saturday night, in which Weiying invited us to her new house mooncake celebration. And we had such fun and her house is just so beautiful!!!!
Well, on Sunday morning, the haze finally cleared, with clear blue skies and fresh air. However, it seems that the haze is coming back since yesterday... Everyone better take care, drink more water and rest more ya!!!....
I've been quite notorious during the weekend. I spent about $200, thanks to Yeelian's shopping trip on Friday night. And Vivocity has definitely contributed to the exorbitant spending... Oh, my frens have been commenting that I'm the Vivocity promoter, or the boss's daughter... HAha, coz i've been talking so much about Vivocity that they can't stand me...Coz they said it's too good to be true... And I should be getting some commission for doing such good publicity!!
Everyone should visit Vivocity. It's just 15minutes bus ride away, 5 minutes walk through the MRT, and there'll you'll find the most happening place in the West!!! They have everything there...ZARA, Esprit, Forever 21, Mphosis, GAP, Crystal Jade, Gloria Jeans.... Just name it, they'll have it!!! And they have a rooftop garden, with man-made pool, and oversees Sentosa, Merlion and Cruise!!!!
What else do we want???? With Vivo, our lives are complete...
*Now you know why they said so...
It has been busy although this is a week free of CA... However, there's still SGT and presentation which is tomorrow. And next week there'll be 3 CAs in 5 days... Yippie!!! Clap Clap!!!!
Updates on the haze, it was awful since Friday night, though me and yeelian still went to Orchard... Haha..And people still go on with their lives. The nightmare continues till Saturday night, in which Weiying invited us to her new house mooncake celebration. And we had such fun and her house is just so beautiful!!!!

Well, on Sunday morning, the haze finally cleared, with clear blue skies and fresh air. However, it seems that the haze is coming back since yesterday... Everyone better take care, drink more water and rest more ya!!!....
I've been quite notorious during the weekend. I spent about $200, thanks to Yeelian's shopping trip on Friday night. And Vivocity has definitely contributed to the exorbitant spending... Oh, my frens have been commenting that I'm the Vivocity promoter, or the boss's daughter... HAha, coz i've been talking so much about Vivocity that they can't stand me...Coz they said it's too good to be true... And I should be getting some commission for doing such good publicity!!
Everyone should visit Vivocity. It's just 15minutes bus ride away, 5 minutes walk through the MRT, and there'll you'll find the most happening place in the West!!! They have everything there...ZARA, Esprit, Forever 21, Mphosis, GAP, Crystal Jade, Gloria Jeans.... Just name it, they'll have it!!! And they have a rooftop garden, with man-made pool, and oversees Sentosa, Merlion and Cruise!!!!
What else do we want???? With Vivo, our lives are complete...
*Now you know why they said so...
More about haze

The haze is getting worse. It rained this morning, for about 20minutes, but it doesn't seem to have helped to clear the misery. My windows were shut, and once I opened it right after the rain, I can't help but to smell a great deal of smoke. The smell is exactly like the smell I used to smell when those kampung people do open burning of trees and junks. But for this case, it's worse, cause it's everywhere, the whole Singapore island. I wonder how Malaysia is faring.
Somehow I can't help but to attribute my throat problem with the haze. My throat hasn't been well, and occasionally there's mucus and all, sometimes even leading to cold symptoms, runny nose and itchy throat. This has also contributed to my insomnia.
I'm blaming everything to the haze... But seriously, the haze is making me miserable. No clear air, and I can't go running at night.
Choir has started, and I should say, it's a good start. Cynthia is lucky this year that there's a great deal of talents and experienced people in the team. And for the first combine, I can't help but to have goosebumps, which is a good sign in choir terms.
As for now, I shall get back to my tuberculosis, it's complications after reactivation - Secondary Tuberculosis! Bye Peeps!
My dear tinghui... You're so funny hahaha... I've got to know that word when I was working in Guardian last time. They got this Wolfberry product, then I found the name so exotic, then went and checked it out...Who knows, it's the red stuffs we alwiz put in our soup. haha!!!
By the way... Singapore is in danger. We're having serious haze attack over here. It started on Saturday. I was studying in my room, and suddenly when I look out the window, I almost screamed! Everywhere is so blur, the whole NUS is so foggy! I straight away went and looked for the girls to inform them about this, but yeelian sharon all not in. So I ran all the way to Syn Yin's room and alerted her the whole "catastropy"! And guess what, I thought it was cleared since Sunday, who knows, it came back today.- The day that everyone dreaded, first day of school after mid sem break... Anyway, it's rather bad, and i'm having mild sorethroat, and runny nose. So you're just so lucky to be Downunder, and having spring!!! Take pictures of flowers and send to us ok? Em, I wonder whether the haze will spread till Australia...
Do take care everyone... Stay indoor, don't be like those silly people whom I see jogging around NUS, when the air is in such a bad state...
By the way... Singapore is in danger. We're having serious haze attack over here. It started on Saturday. I was studying in my room, and suddenly when I look out the window, I almost screamed! Everywhere is so blur, the whole NUS is so foggy! I straight away went and looked for the girls to inform them about this, but yeelian sharon all not in. So I ran all the way to Syn Yin's room and alerted her the whole "catastropy"! And guess what, I thought it was cleared since Sunday, who knows, it came back today.- The day that everyone dreaded, first day of school after mid sem break... Anyway, it's rather bad, and i'm having mild sorethroat, and runny nose. So you're just so lucky to be Downunder, and having spring!!! Take pictures of flowers and send to us ok? Em, I wonder whether the haze will spread till Australia...
Do take care everyone... Stay indoor, don't be like those silly people whom I see jogging around NUS, when the air is in such a bad state...
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